Review the examples below. Which would be considered an example of convection.

boiling water on a hot stove
sunlight warming your face
a glass of water on a counter at room temperature
sea breeze moving from the warm beach to the ocean

The correct answer is (d) sea breeze moving from the warm beach to the ocean. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases) from one area to another. In this example, the warm air over the beach rises, creating a lower pressure area, and cooler air over the ocean moves in to replace it, creating a sea breeze. This movement of air from one place to another represents a convection current.

D) Sea breeze moving from the warm beach to the ocean. It's like nature's way of saying, "Hey ocean, you could use a little warm-up!" It's all about the air currents, my friend. The warm air near the beach rises, creating a kind of convection current that carries that warmness to the ocean. It's like a free beach-side spa treatment for the ocean.

The example that would be considered an example of convection is option d: sea breeze moving from the warm beach to the ocean.

To determine which example is an example of convection, we need to understand what convection is. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids or gases.

Let's consider each example:

a) Boiling water on a hot stove: This is an example of conduction, not convection. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact.

b) Sunlight warming your face: This is an example of radiation, not convection. Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.

c) A glass of water on a counter at room temperature: This is an example of conduction, not convection. The heat transfer between the glass and the counter is happening through direct contact.

d) Sea breeze moving from the warm beach to the ocean: This is an example of convection. The movement of air from the warm beach to the ocean is causing the transfer of heat, which is characteristic of convection.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d) sea breeze moving from the warm beach to the ocean.