Why does an aluminum block feel colder to the touch than a paperback book when you pick them up even though both objects are at the same temperature?

the aluminum block and the paperback book will feel the same.
the aluminum block is a better conductor of heat so it transfers heat away from your skin faster
the paperback book is a better conductor of heat so it transfers heat away from your skin faster

B) The aluminum block is a better conductor of heat so it transfers heat away from your skin faster, making it feel colder to the touch even though both objects are at the same temperature.

B. The aluminum block is a better conductor of heat so it transfers eat away from the skin faster.

Hope this helps!

Yes, that is correct!

The answer is b) the aluminum block is a better conductor of heat, so it transfers heat away from your skin faster.

To understand why the aluminum block feels colder to the touch, we need to consider how heat is transferred. Heat transfer occurs through three processes: conduction, convection, and radiation.

Conduction is the process of heat transfer between objects that are in direct contact with each other. In this case, when you touch the aluminum block or the paperback book, heat from your hand is conducted to the object, and at the same time, heat from the object is conducted to your hand.

Aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat, which means it can easily transfer heat from one place to another. On the other hand, paper is a poor conductor of heat. This means that when you touch the aluminum block, it quickly absorbs heat from your hand and transfers it away, making your hand feel colder. In contrast, when you touch the paperback book, it is not as efficient at conducting heat away from your hand, so it doesn't feel as cold.

So, even though both the aluminum block and the paperback book are at the same temperature, the aluminum block feels colder to the touch because it conducts heat away from your hand more effectively, making it feel colder than the book.