Which color of light has the most energy and why?(1 point)

Which of the following is the best option?

a) Red light has the most energy because it has the shortest wavelength.

b) Violet light has the most energy because it has the highest frequency.

c) Red light has the most energy because it has the highest frequency.

d) Violet light has the most energy because it has the longest wavelength.

b) Violet light has the most energy because it has the highest frequency.

The energy of a photon, or a particle of light, is directly proportional to its frequency. Since violet light has the highest frequency among all visible light colors, it also has the most energy.

To determine which color of light has the most energy, we need to understand the relationship between color, wavelength, and frequency.

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, and it is characterized by its wavelength and frequency. Wavelength is defined as the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave, and frequency is the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time.

The energy of a light wave is directly proportional to its frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy.

Now, let's analyze the options:

a) Red light has the most energy because it has the shortest wavelength.

This statement is incorrect. Red light is actually associated with longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, which means it has lower energy compared to other colors.

b) Violet light has the most energy because it has the highest frequency.

This statement is correct. Violet light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies compared to other colors. Hence, it has higher energy.

c) Red light has the most energy because it has the highest frequency.

This statement is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, resulting in lower energy.

d) Violet light has the most energy because it has the longest wavelength.

This statement is incorrect. Violet light, in fact, has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies, leading to higher energy.

Therefore, the correct option is b) Violet light has the most energy because it has the highest frequency.

The correct option is:

b) Violet light has the most energy because it has the highest frequency.

Explanation: The energy of a photon of light is directly proportional to its frequency. Higher frequency corresponds to higher energy. Violet light has the highest frequency among the visible colors of light, hence it has the most energy.