Why is copper wire a better conductor of electricity than carbon fiber?(1 point)

Copper wire is a better conductor of electricity than carbon fiber because copper has a large number of free electrons in its structure. These free electrons can move easily through the wire, allowing electric current to flow through it. In contrast, carbon fiber has a more complex molecular structure that doesn't contain a large number of free electrons. This makes it less conductive than copper, as fewer electrons are able to move through it, limiting the flow of electric current.

Copper wire is a better conductor of electricity than carbon fiber for several reasons:

1. Electrical conductivity: Copper has a much higher electrical conductivity than carbon fibers. Electrical conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct electric current. Copper has a high density of free electrons, which are the charge carriers that can move easily through the material, allowing for efficient flow of electricity.

2. Low resistance: Copper wire has low resistance to the flow of electric current. Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electrons through a material. Copper has a low resistance value due to its atomic structure, which makes it easier for electric charges to move through the wire with minimal obstruction.

3. High thermal conductivity: Copper has good thermal conductivity, meaning it can efficiently transfer heat. This property is important because it helps dissipate any excess heat generated in the wire when electricity flows through it. Carbon fiber, on the other hand, has lower thermal conductivity, which could cause it to overheat if used as a conductor for high electrical currents.

4. Reliability and durability: Copper is a reliable and durable material for conducting electricity over extended periods. It is resistant to corrosion and can handle high electrical currents without degrading. Carbon fiber, although strong and lightweight, may not have the same level of durability and reliability as copper in electrical applications.

In summary, the high electrical conductivity, low resistance, high thermal conductivity, and reliability of copper wire make it a better choice for conducting electricity compared to carbon fiber.

Copper wire is a better conductor of electricity than carbon fiber because it has certain characteristics that make it more conducive to electric current flow. Here's how you can understand and explain it:

1. Metal vs. Non-Metal: Copper is a metal, while carbon fiber is a non-metal. Metals generally have more free electrons, which are easily movable within the material, allowing them to conduct electricity effectively. Non-metals, like carbon fiber, have fewer free electrons, making them poor conductors of electricity.

2. Electron Mobility: Copper has a higher electron mobility compared to carbon fiber. This means that electrons in copper can move more freely, allowing electric current to flow easily through the material. On the other hand, in carbon fiber, the electrons are more tightly bound, restricting their movement and slowing down the flow of current.

3. Atomic Structure: Copper has a crystalline atomic structure with a regular arrangement of atoms, allowing the electrons to move along in a continuous path. This orderly arrangement enables efficient electron flow and lowers resistance. Conversely, carbon fiber has a non-crystalline or amorphous atomic structure, where the arrangement of atoms is irregular. As a result, the electron flow encounters more obstacles and disruptions, resulting in higher resistance.

4. Conductivity: Copper has a high electrical conductivity, meaning it can readily carry electric current with minimal energy losses. It has one of the highest conductivities among common materials. Carbon fiber, on the other hand, has relatively low conductivity due to its non-metallic and more restricted electron movement properties.

To summarize, copper wire is a better conductor of electricity than carbon fiber due to its metal composition, higher electron mobility, crystalline atomic structure, and superior conductivity.