Use the speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt to answer the question.

When Roosevelt says that "The People of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation," he is making an implied argument against the rationales of which group?





D. isolationists.

To answer this question using Roosevelt's speech, we need to examine the context and the implied arguments made by the speaker. The given quote suggests that the people of the United States have already formed their opinions and understand the implications for the nation's life and safety. By understanding this implication, we can infer that Roosevelt is arguing against those who are opposed to taking action or intervening in the international affairs of the United States.

From the given options, the group that aligns with this reasoning are the isolationists. Isolationists advocated for non-intervention in foreign conflicts and believed that America should focus on its own affairs and hostilities. Roosevelt's assertion that the people of the United States understand the implications for their nation's life and safety implies that he is countering and opposing the rationale of isolationists. Therefore, the correct answer is D. isolationists.

Based on the given statement by Franklin D. Roosevelt, he is making an implied argument against the rationales of isolationists.