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The anti-slavery movement found a strong voice in literature, the media, and the press
One of its most influential writers and publishers was William Lloyd Garrison
Garrison established the most popular anti-slavery newspaper of the era: The Liberator
Through his paper, Garrison called for the “immediate and complete emancipation” of all slaves in America, which was a bold and radical new stance
The Liberator was very popular, and it inspired reformers to found new abolition groups throughout the North, including the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833
By 1840, the society had over 1000 chapters or branches.

How did William Lloyd Garrison fight to end slavery?

William Lloyd Garrison fought to end slavery by establishing and publishing The Liberator, which was the most popular anti-slavery newspaper of his era. Through this paper, he called for the immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves in America, which was a very radical and bold stance at that time. His newspaper became very popular and inspired reformers to found new abolition groups throughout the North, including the American Anti-Slavery Society. By 1840, the society had over 1000 chapters or branches.