To make a jug of lemonade, Silve used 3 cups of sugar syrup every 5 cups of lemon juice.

1. What proportion of the jug of lemonade was the number of cups of sugar syrup?

The proportion of the jug of lemonade that was the number of cups of sugar syrup can be expressed as a ratio of sugar syrup to the total amount of lemonade.

From the given information, Silve used 3 cups of sugar syrup for every 5 cups of lemon juice, which means that for every 8 cups of lemonade, 3 cups are sugar syrup and 5 cups are lemon juice.

Therefore, the proportion of the jug of lemonade that was the number of cups of sugar syrup is:

3/8 or 0.375 (as a decimal)

So 37.5% of the jug of lemonade was the number of cups of sugar syrup.