Santos walks 2 kilometers south and then a certain number of kilometers east. He ends 5 kilometers away from his starting position.

Assuming Santos walked in a straight line, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to solve this problem.

Let x be the number of kilometers he walked east.

Then, we have a right triangle where the hypotenuse (the distance traveled by Santos) is 5 km and the legs of the triangle are 2 km (south) and x km (east).

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can write:

5^2 = 2^2 + x^2

25 = 4 + x^2

21 = x^2

x = ±√21

However, we know that Santos walked east, so x must be a positive number. Therefore, we have:

x = √21

So Santos walked 2 kilometers south and √21 kilometers east.