Hawick is 15 kilometers south of Abbotsford, and Kelso is 17 kilometers east of Abbotsford.

What is the distance from Hawick to Kelso?
Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a kilometer.

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance from Hawick to Kelso, since we have a right triangle formed with Hawick, Kelso, and Abbotsford:

Distance from Hawick to Kelso = sqrt((Distance from Hawick to Abbotsford)^2 + (Distance from Kelso to Abbotsford)^2)

Distance from Hawick to Kelso = sqrt((15 km)^2 + (17 km)^2)

Distance from Hawick to Kelso = sqrt(225 + 289)

Distance from Hawick to Kelso = sqrt(514)

Distance from Hawick to Kelso ≈ 22.7 km (rounded to the nearest tenth of a kilometer)

Therefore, the distance from Hawick to Kelso is approximately 22.7 kilometers.

To find the distance from Hawick to Kelso, we can use the Pythagorean theorem because the distance between Hawick and Kelso forms a right triangle with the 15 km and 17 km distances between Hawick and Abbotsford, and Abbotsford and Kelso, respectively.

According to the Pythagorean theorem, in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.

In this case, the distance between Hawick and Abbotsford forms one side of the right triangle, and the distance between Abbotsford and Kelso forms another side of the right triangle. So, we can calculate the distance from Hawick to Kelso as follows:

Distance from Hawick to Kelso = √(Distance from Hawick to Abbotsford)^2 + (Distance from Abbotsford to Kelso)^2

Plugging in the given values:
Distance from Hawick to Kelso = √(15 km)^2 + (17 km)^2

Distance from Hawick to Kelso = √225 km^2 + 289 km^2

Distance from Hawick to Kelso = √514 km^2

Distance from Hawick to Kelso ≈ 22.68 km

So, the distance from Hawick to Kelso is approximately 22.68 kilometers.

To find the distance from Hawick to Kelso, we can use the Pythagorean theorem since we have a right triangle formed by the distances.

First, let's draw a diagram:

/ |
/ 15 |
17 Kelso

Using the Pythagorean theorem: c^2 = a^2 + b^2

We have a = 15 kilometers and b = 17 kilometers.

c^2 = (15^2) + (17^2)
c^2 = 225 + 289
c^2 = 514

Taking the square root of both sides, we have:
c = √514
c ≈ 22.676

So, the distance from Hawick to Kelso is approximately 22.7 kilometers when rounded to the nearest tenth of a kilometer.