Which of the following has a product of -98?

To find which of the following numbers has a product of -98, you need to go through each number and multiply it by another number to see if the result is -98. Here are the options:

1. -2
2. -7
3. 14
4. 7
5. -14

To check each option, you can multiply it by another number and see if the product is -98:

1. -2 x ___ = ?
Since multiplying two negative numbers gives a positive result, we can exclude this option.

2. -7 x ___ = -98
To find the missing number, divide -98 by -7:
-98 ÷ -7 = 14
The missing number is 14, so the product of -7 and 14 is indeed -98.

3. 14 x ___ = ?
Since no whole number multiplied by 14 will give a product of -98, we can exclude this option.

4. 7 x ___ = ?
Similarly, no whole number multiplied by 7 will give a product of -98, so we exclude this option as well.

5. -14 x ___ = ?
Lastly, we can find the missing number by dividing -98 by -14:
-98 ÷ -14 = 7
The missing number is 7, so the product of -14 and 7 is -98.

Therefore, the numbers that have a product of -98 are -7 and -14.

To find which factor pairs have a product of -98, we can start by listing all the factors of 98 and checking for pairs whose product is -98.

The factors of 98 are:
1, 2, 7, 14, 49, 98

Now let's check for the pairs whose product is -98:

1 x -98 = -98
2 x -49 = -98
7 x -14 = -98
14 x -7 = -98
-1 x 98 = -98
-2 x 49 = -98
-7 x 14 = -98
-14 x 7 = -98

Therefore, there are 8 factor pairs of -98:
1 and -98
2 and -49
7 and -14
14 and -7
-1 and 98
-2 and 49
-7 and 14
-14 and 7

There are several possible combinations of two numbers whose product is -98. Here are a few:

- (-2) x 49
- 2 x (-49)
- (-7) x 14
- 7 x (-14)
- (-14) x 7
- 14 x (-7)

So there are at least six possible pairs of numbers that multiply to -98.