Salem and Eugene, Oregon, are 64 miles apart. If the distance on the map is 3 1/4 inches, find the scale of the map.

The scale of the map can be found by dividing the actual distance by the distance on the map.

Let's convert 3 1/4 inches to miles:

3 1/4 inches = (3 + 1/4) inches = 3.25 inches

Now we have:

Scale = Actual distance / Distance on map

Scale = 64 miles / 3.25 inches


Scale = 19.69 miles per inch

Therefore, the scale of the map is 19.69 miles per inch.

real : map = 64 miles : 3.25 inches

= 64*5280*12 inches : 3.25 inches
= 4,055,040 : 3.25
= appr 1,247,705 : 1

Just go metric already !!