which of the following best describes the conservative democrats in south Carolina during reconstruction?

During Reconstruction, the conservative Democrats in South Carolina were a group of white Democrats who wanted to limit the rights of African Americans and retain the power of the white elite in the state. They opposed many of the Republican-led initiatives that aimed to grant African Americans political and civil rights, such as voting rights and equal access to education. They also sought to maintain the system of sharecropping and farm tenancy, which kept many African Americans in a state of economic dependence and subjugation. Overall, the conservative Democrats in South Carolina wanted to maintain the racial and economic status quo that had existed before the Civil War.

In which type of story structure are events narrated in the order they happen?(1 point)


circular structure
circular structure

parallel structure
parallel structure

linear structure
linear structure

nonlinear structure

linear structure

What is the script of a film is called?(1 point)







To better understand the conservative Democrats in South Carolina during Reconstruction, we can refer to historical records and analysis. Here's how you can approach finding the answer to this question:

1. Research primary sources: Look for primary sources such as newspaper articles, letters, diaries, or governmental records from the Reconstruction period in South Carolina. These sources can provide firsthand accounts and insights into the political landscape at the time.

2. Consult scholarly works: Seek out books, articles, and scholarly papers written by historians who specialize in the Reconstruction era or South Carolina history. These works often provide comprehensive analysis and interpretations based on extensive research.

3. Analyze political movements: Study the political dynamics and factions that emerged during Reconstruction in South Carolina. Look for information on the role of conservative Democrats and their influence on state politics.

4. Consider historical context: Understand the historical context of the time. Reconstruction took place from 1865 to 1877 after the Civil War, a period when the nation was grappling with social, economic, and political challenges. South Carolina, as a former Confederate state, experienced significant changes during this time.

By employing these research methods, you should be able to find reliable information and gain an understanding of how conservative Democrats in South Carolina operated during the Reconstruction era.