Which question could a reader ask when analyzing the point of view of a story?

What message about life does the story convey?
Are there any social norms that a character is rebelling against?
Are there any important facts that a character is not aware of?
How do the characters' actions help to reveal their personalities?

Here you go:

1. How will Michaela find out who sent her the mysterious package?
2. Are there any important facts that a character is not aware of?

I already took the QC, trust me.

How does the narrator's perspective shape the reader's understanding of the events and characters in the story?

That wasn't even an option, bot.

And Cheeseburger is correct..

A reader could ask several questions when analyzing the point of view of a story. One possible question could be: "From whose perspective is the story being told?" Consider the narrator's role in the story as it shapes the reader's understanding of events, characters, and themes.

To understand the message about life that a story conveys, a reader might ask: "What themes or lessons can be derived from the events and actions in the story?" Look for recurring ideas or motifs that convey a particular perspective or outlook on life.

When examining whether a character rebels against social norms, a reader may ask: "What societal expectations or conventions does the character challenge or resist?" Analyzing the character's actions, thoughts, and interactions can reveal their defiance or rejection of prevailing norms.

To identify whether a character is unaware of important facts, a reader could ask: "What information or knowledge is the character lacking that affects their decisions and understanding?" Pay attention to instances where a character makes choices based on incomplete or inaccurate information.

To understand how characters' actions reveal their personalities, a reader might ask: "How do the characters' behaviors, decisions, and interactions reflect their values, motivations, or beliefs?" Analyze the consistent patterns of behavior, choices, and reactions displayed by each character to determine their distinct personalities.