The maximum you can spend on a desk and chair is $345. The chair costs $78. How much can you spend on the desk? Write and solve an inequality.

x – 78 ≥ 345; at most 78 dollars
x + 78 ≤ 345; at most 267 dollars
x + 78 ≤ 345; at most 78 dollars
x – 78 ≥ 345; at most 345 dollars

The correct inequality to represent the situation is:

x + 78 ≤ 345

where x is the amount you can spend on the desk.

To solve for x, we can start by isolating the variable on one side of the inequality:

x ≤ 345 - 78

x ≤ 267

Therefore, you can spend at most $267 on the desk.

To determine how much you can spend on the desk, we need to set up an inequality.

Let x represent the amount you can spend on the desk.

The total amount you can spend on the desk and chair is $345, and the chair costs $78. So, the inequality can be written as:

x + 78 ≤ 345

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The maximum you can spend on the desk is at most $267.

To find out how much you can spend on the desk, we can use an inequality. Let's assume the cost of the desk is 'x' dollars.

Given that the maximum budget for the desk and chair combined is $345, and the chair costs $78, the inequality can be written as:

x + $78 ≤ $345

This inequality states that the desk cost, plus $78 for the chair, should be less than or equal to $345.

To solve this inequality, we can subtract $78 from both sides to isolate 'x':

x + $78 - $78 ≤ $345 - $78

x ≤ $267

Therefore, you can spend at most $267 on the desk.