Mr. Lopez bought 17 boxes of ceramic tiles for his patio. Each box contains 24 tiles. He also bought 32 glass tiles. He broke 13 tiles. Which expression shows the best estimate of the total number of tiles Mr. Lopez has now to cover his patio?

The total number of ceramic tiles Mr. Lopez bought is:

17 boxes x 24 tiles/box = 408 tiles

After breaking 13 tiles, he has:

408 - 13 = 395 ceramic tiles

Adding the 32 glass tiles, Mr. Lopez has:

395 + 32 = 427 tiles

Therefore, the expression that shows the best estimate of the total number of tiles Mr. Lopez has now to cover his patio is:

17 boxes x 24 tiles/box + 32 glass tiles - 13 tiles ≈ 427 tiles