Complete the table by determining the distance the hiker climbed in 1.5 hours and 2 hours.

​Time (hours) Distance (miles)​
1 2.4
1.5 blank
2 blank
2.5 6.0
Part C.How much time would it take for the hiker to climb 12 miles?

To complete the table, we can first find the distance the hiker climbs in each hour by dividing the distance by the time. For 1 hour, the hiker climbs 2.4 miles. Therefore, for 1.5 hours and 2 hours, we can multiply 2.4 by 1.5 and 2, respectively.

1.5 hours: 2.4 * 1.5 = 3.6 miles
2 hours: 2.4 * 2 = 4.8 miles

So the table is:

Time (hours) Distance (miles)​
1 2.4
1.5 3.6
2 4.8
2.5 6.0

Part C:
To find how much time it would take for the hiker to climb 12 miles, we can use the rate of 2.4 miles per hour. We can set up a proportion to find the time:

2.4 miles / 1 hour = 12 miles / X hours

We can solve for X by cross-multiplying:

2.4 * X = 12 * 1

2.4X = 12

Now we can divide by 2.4 to find X:

X = 12 / 2.4

X = 5 hours

So, it would take the hiker 5 hours to climb 12 miles.

To determine the distance the hiker climbed in 1.5 hours and 2 hours, we can use the information given in the table.

First, let's find the distance the hiker climbed in 1.5 hours.

We already know that at 1 hour, the hiker climbed 2.4 miles.

Since we are given a time of 1.5 hours, we can calculate the distance by using a proportion.

We know that 1 hour is equivalent to 2.4 miles.

So, we can set up the proportion:

1 hour / 2.4 miles = 1.5 hours / x miles

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and divide:

1 * x = 1.5 * 2.4
x = 3.6

Therefore, the distance the hiker climbed in 1.5 hours is 3.6 miles.

Now let's find the distance the hiker climbed in 2 hours.

We already know that at 1 hour, the hiker climbed 2.4 miles.

So, in 2 hours, the hiker would have climbed twice that distance:

2.4 miles * 2 = 4.8 miles

Therefore, the distance the hiker climbed in 2 hours is 4.8 miles.

Now, let's move on to Part C and find how much time it would take for the hiker to climb 12 miles.

We can use the same proportion we used earlier:

1 hour / 2.4 miles = ? hours / 12 miles

To solve for ?, we can cross-multiply and divide:

1 * 12 = ? * 2.4
12 = ? * 2.4
? = 12 / 2.4
? = 5

Therefore, it would take the hiker 5 hours to climb 12 miles.

To determine the distance the hiker climbed in 1.5 hours and 2 hours, we can use the given information.

Time (hours) Distance (miles)
1 2.4
1.5 Blank
2 Blank
2.5 6.0

To find the distance the hiker climbed in 1.5 hours, we can observe that the ratio of distance to time is constant. We can set up a proportion:

2.4 miles / 1 hour = x miles / 1.5 hours

Cross multiplying, we get:

(2.4 miles) * (1.5 hours) = (1 hour) * (x miles)
3.6 miles = x miles

Therefore, the distance the hiker climbed in 1.5 hours is 3.6 miles.

Similarly, to find the distance the hiker climbed in 2 hours, we can use the same proportion:

2.4 miles / 1 hour = x miles / 2 hours

Cross multiplying, we get:

(2.4 miles) * (2 hours) = (1 hour) * (x miles)
4.8 miles = x miles

Therefore, the distance the hiker climbed in 2 hours is 4.8 miles.

Part C: To find how much time it would take for the hiker to climb 12 miles, we can set up a proportion using the previous information:

2.4 miles / 1 hour = 12 miles / x hours

Cross multiplying, we get:

(2.4 miles) * (x hours) = (1 hour) * (12 miles)

2.4x = 12

Dividing both sides by 2.4, we get:

x = 12 / 2.4

Simplifying the right side, we get:

x = 5

Therefore, it would take the hiker 5 hours to climb 12 miles.