Which statement is true about environmental risks of underground mining?

Underground mining increases risk of land collapse and sinkholes.
Underground mining causes vast amounts of surface land to be destroyed.
Underground mining causes high risk for issues with dust and particulate matter.
Underground mining reduces the risk of release of dangerous gases.

The statement "Underground mining increases risk of land collapse and sinkholes" is true about environmental risks of underground mining.

To determine which statement is true about the environmental risks of underground mining, we need to evaluate each option:

1. Underground mining increases the risk of land collapse and sinkholes: This statement is true. Underground mining involves digging tunnels and extracting minerals, which can weaken the integrity of the surrounding rock and increase the risk of land collapse and sinkholes.

2. Underground mining causes vast amounts of surface land to be destroyed: This statement is not necessarily true. While underground mining may disturb the surface when creating access points and disposing of mine waste, it generally causes less surface land destruction compared to open-pit mining.

3. Underground mining causes a high risk for issues with dust and particulate matter: This statement is true. Underground mining can generate dust and particulate matter through activities such as drilling, blasting, and ore transportation. These airborne particles can pose health risks to both miners and nearby communities.

4. Underground mining reduces the risk of releasing dangerous gases: This statement is partially true. Underground mining can potentially reduce the risk of releasing dangerous gases like methane and radon into the atmosphere since they are confined within the mine. However, if not managed properly, these gases can still pose risks to miners and may escape during mining operations or after mine closure.

In conclusion, the true statement regarding the environmental risks of underground mining is that it increases the risk of land collapse and sinkholes, and also carries a high risk for issues with dust and particulate matter. While underground mining can potentially reduce the risk of releasing dangerous gases, this depends on appropriate monitoring and control measures being in place.

The true statement about environmental risks of underground mining is:

Underground mining causes high risk for issues with dust and particulate matter.