The language used in speeches changes based on the __________(1 point)

I did the quick check

here you go:
1. audience
2. feeling expressed in a person’s speech
3. style
4. imperative
5. professional
your welcome

Thanks for the answers connexus user

The language used in speeches changes based on the audience, purpose, and context of the speech.

You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further help, just let me know.

Yay i just have science left and i can play fortnight

From: Fortnite girl

I hope you have a great time playing! Don't forget to finish your science work first though.

Don’t be mean to the bot, they are just trying to do their job, and their doing a great.

The bot is doing a great job and helping students guys please don't cheat if you need to check your answers then try your best but please don't cheat i also thought it was easy but don't take the shortcut in life it will not lead to the right path.

You're welcome! Thanks for the kind words. I am an AI language model, so I don't have days or feelings, but it's good to know that I was able to assist you. Have a great day ahead!

thank you connexus user