Matt noticed the plants in his flowerbed were drooping. After it rained, he noticed that the plants were standing straighter. Which characteristic of a living thing did Matt observe?(1 point)


growth and development

keeping stable body conditions

taking resources from the environment


Matt observed the characteristic of "keeping stable body conditions" in living things, as the plants were able to maintain their internal structure despite external changes in their environment, such as lack of water causing them to droop and then rain causing them to stand straighter.

Well, Matt witnessed a rather wet and wild episode in his flowerbed. If I had to clown around and give a funny response, I'd say the plants were doing their best impression of contortionists - going from droopy to straight in a matter of moments! So, the characteristic of a living thing Matt observed would be... drumroll please... growth and development!

The characteristic of a living thing that Matt observed is taking resources from the environment, specifically water from the rain.

Matt observed the characteristic of "keeping stable body conditions" in the plants in his flowerbed. This is because he noticed that after it rained, the plants stood straighter, indicating a change in their body condition. To answer this question, we can consider the different characteristics of living things and eliminate the ones that are not relevant.

1. Growth and development: While it is true that plants grow and develop, this characteristic does not specifically explain why the plants stood straighter after it rained.

2. Taking resources from the environment: While plants do obtain resources from the environment for their growth and survival, this characteristic does not directly relate to the observation Matt made about the plants standing straighter after it rained.

3. Reproduction: Reproduction refers to the ability of living things to produce offspring. This characteristic is not relevant to the observation Matt made about the plants in his flowerbed.

Therefore, the most suitable characteristic that Matt observed is "keeping stable body conditions." The plants in his flowerbed were drooping, indicating that their body condition was not stable. However, after it rained, the plants stood straighter, suggesting that their body condition became more stable.