Choose one of the following essay prompts.

I. In Act IV, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet cries, “O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris
. . . And I will do it without fear or doubt.”
Both Romeo and Juliet seek out Friar Lawrence for counsel during their difficulties. How does
he affect their decisions, and eventually, the outcome of the play? Write an essay analyzing the
cause-and-effect relationship between the two lovers and Friar Lawrence. You may want to
address why Friar Lawrence marries the two in the first place, and the results of his advice
throughout the story. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and
thesis statement. The body of your essay should explore how and why Friar Lawrence
orchestrates many of the developments in the plot. Close your essay with an overall
conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis.
II. By the end of Romeo and Juliet, Paris and Romeo, both of whom loved Juliet, are dead.
The two characters, however, are very different. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the
two men. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and thesis
statement. The body of your essay should provide examples of similarities and differences
regarding their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions. Close
your essay with an overall conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis.

Based on the prompts provided, you must choose either Prompt I or Prompt II to write your essay on Romeo and Juliet. Prompt I focuses on the role of Friar Lawrence in the development of the plot and the decisions of Romeo and Juliet, while Prompt II requires you to compare and contrast Paris and Romeo, two characters who loved Juliet. It is important to carefully read both prompts and choose the one that appeals to you the most and that you believe you can write a strong essay on. Be sure to follow the instructions provided, which include an attention-getter, thesis statement, examples supporting your thesis, and a conclusion that restates your thesis. Good luck with your essay!

I. In Act IV, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet cries, “O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris . . . And I will do it without fear or doubt.” Both Romeo and Juliet seek out Friar Lawrence for counsel during their difficulties. How does he affect their decisions, and eventually, the outcome of the play? Write an essay analyzing the cause-and-effect relationship between the two lovers and Friar Lawrence. You may want to address why Friar Lawrence marries the two in the first place, and the results of his advice throughout the story. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and thesis statement. The body of your essay should explore how and why Friar Lawrence orchestrates many of the developments in the plot. Close your essay with an overall conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis.

- Start with an attention-getter that introduces the significance and complexities of the relationships between Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Lawrence. For example, you can mention the intensity of their emotions and the pivotal role the Friar plays in their lives.
- Develop a thesis statement that clearly states the cause-and-effect relationship between Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Lawrence, highlighting how the Friar's actions and advice shape their decisions and the eventual outcome of the play.


Paragraph 1:
- Start with an topic sentence that introduces Friar Lawrence's initial motive for marrying Romeo and Juliet, which was to reconcile the feuding families and bring peace.
- Provide evidence from the text, such as Friar Lawrence's soliloquy in Act II, Scene 3, to support his beliefs and motivations.
- Analyze how his decision to marry them in secret sets off a chain of events, leading to the climax of the play.

Paragraph 2:
- Begin with a topic sentence that explains how Friar Lawrence's advice affects Romeo's decision-making.
- Provide examples from the play, such as Romeo seeking counsel after being banished or Friar Lawrence providing him with the plan involving the sleeping potion.
- Discuss how Friar Lawrence's guidance influences Romeo's actions and contributes to the tragic consequences.

Paragraph 3:
- Start with a topic sentence that explores how Friar Lawrence's guidance affects Juliet's decisions and actions.
- Provide specific examples, like Juliet seeking help from the Friar when faced with the prospect of marrying Paris or his advice regarding the potion.
- Explain how the Friar's advice pushes Juliet to take drastic measures and how it impacts the outcome of the play.

- Recap the cause-and-effect relationship between Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Lawrence, emphasizing how the Friar's actions and advice shape the decisions of the two lovers and ultimately lead to their tragic fate.
- Restate the thesis in a succinct manner, reminding the reader of the main argument of the essay.
- Conclude with a final thought about the importance of Friar Lawrence's role in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

To choose between the two essay prompts, you need to consider your own interests and which prompt you feel more confident in addressing. Here's how you can make a decision:

1. Read the prompts carefully: Take the time to understand each prompt and what it is asking you to do. Consider the specific instructions and the areas of focus for each essay prompt.

2. Assess your knowledge and understanding: Evaluate your familiarity with the main characters, Romeo, Juliet, Paris, and Friar Lawrence. Reflect on how well you can analyze their actions, motivations, and relationships throughout the play.

3. Consider your strengths: Think about your skills and strengths as a writer. Are you more comfortable analyzing cause-and-effect relationships or comparing and contrasting characters? Choose the prompt that aligns with your writing strengths.

4. Engage with the prompt: Consider which prompt is more interesting to you personally. Which one would you enjoy exploring and writing about? If you have a genuine interest in the topic, it will be easier to convey your thoughts and ideas effectively.

5. Review the essay structure: Look at the suggested structure for each essay prompt. Read the instructions for the essay introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Determine which prompt's structure feels more manageable or appealing to you.

Once you have considered these factors, you should have a clearer idea of which essay prompt will be the best choice for you. Remember to choose the prompt that you feel most confident and enthusiastic about, as this will likely result in a stronger and more engaging essay.