what values does Alfred Jacob miller promote in his painting don't give up that ship?

a. fear and discouragement
b. anger and resistance
c. heroic bravery and perseverance
d. peace and contemplation

Alfred Jacob Miller promotes heroic bravery and perseverance in his painting "Don't Give Up That Ship." The painting depicts American sailors fighting against the British Navy during the War of 1812. The captain of the American ship, James Lawrence, was fatally wounded during the battle and spoke the famous last words, "Don't give up the ship!" The painting is a tribute to the bravery of the American sailors who continued fighting despite overwhelming odds. Therefore the correct answer is c. heroic bravery and perseverance.

The painting "Don't Give Up the Ship" by Alfred Jacob Miller promotes the values of heroic bravery and perseverance (c).

To determine the values that Alfred Jacob Miller promotes in his painting "Don't Give Up the Ship," we need to analyze the artwork and any relevant information about the painting. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research Alfred Jacob Miller: Start by learning about the artist himself. Look for biographical information, his artistic style, and any known themes or messages prevalent in his work. This will provide context for understanding his intentions behind the painting.

2. Analyze the painting: Look closely at the painting "Don't Give Up the Ship" to gather visual clues and themes that might indicate the values being promoted. Pay attention to the composition, figures, colors, symbols, and any accompanying elements.

3. Consider historical context: Understand the historical period when the painting was created. This knowledge may offer insights into the values, events, or ideas that were significant at that time.

4. Consult art experts or criticism: Look for critiques, analysis, or interpretations of the painting by art historians, scholars, or experts. They may have insights into the underlying messages and values present within the artwork.

By following these steps and gathering information, you will be able to discern the values promoted by Alfred Jacob Miller in his painting "Don't Give Up the Ship."