In three to five sentences, describe how to write an effective conclusion to a narrative. Explain the parts of an effective conclusion and support your answer with specific details.(4 points)

To write an effective conclusion to a narrative, you should summarize the main points of the story, tie up any loose ends, and leave the reader with a satisfying sense of closure. A good conclusion should bring the story full circle and provide a sense of resolution to any conflicts or problems that were presented in the narrative. Additionally, it should leave the reader with a lasting impression or an idea to ponder upon. To achieve this goal, you can use the rhetorical techniques like repetition, analogy, or a poignant quote to leave a lasting impact on the reader.


To write an effective conclusion to a narrative, you need to recap the main points of the story, create a sense of closure for the reader, and leave them with a lasting impression. Start by summarizing the key events or themes from the narrative, ensuring that you tie up any loose ends or unanswered questions. Next, evoke an emotional response from the reader by reflecting on the significance of these events and the impact they have had on the characters or the overall story. Finally, consider leaving the reader with a thought-provoking or memorable ending, such as a powerful quote or a final twist that adds depth to the narrative. An effective conclusion should resonate with the reader, leaving them satisfied and engaged even after finishing the story.