Which of the following types of information is suited for display on a scatter plot?

A.) the types of car models in your neighborhood
B.) the numbers of pets in neighborhood households
C.) your average daily minutes of exercise
D.) the relationship between hours in the car and distance traveled

D) The relationship between hours in the car and distance traveled is suited for display on a scatter plot. A scatter plot is used to display a relationship between two sets of numerical data. In this case, the hours in the car and distance traveled are both numerical data sets and can be plotted on a scatter plot to visually display their relationship. The other options, such as car models, pets, and daily minutes of exercise, are not sets of numerical data that can easily be plotted on a scatter plot.

D) The relationship between hours in the car and distance traveled is suited for display on a scatter plot.

A scatter plot is a type of graph that shows the relationship between two variables. In this case, you can plot the hours spent in the car on one axis and the distance traveled on the other axis. Each data point on the scatter plot represents an observation, showing how the two variables are related. This type of graph is commonly used to visualize the correlation or relationship between two continuous variables, making it suitable for displaying the relationship between hours in the car and distance traveled.

The type of information that is suited for display on a scatter plot is data that is continuous or numerical in nature. This means that the information can be measured or quantified. Out of the options provided, the answer would be D.) the relationship between hours in the car and distance traveled.

To create a scatter plot, you would collect data on the number of hours spent in the car and the corresponding distances traveled for different instances. You would then plot each data point on the graph, with one axis representing the hours in the car and the other representing the distance traveled. The resulting scatter plot will show the relationship between these two variables and help identify any patterns or trends.