The cost of a small cup of coffee at a deli is $3.50. You can use the equation

t = 3.5n , where t represents the total money made from the sale of small coffees and n is the number of cups of small coffees sold. In this equation, which describes the role of n?

The variable n represents the number of cups of small coffees sold. It is the independent variable because it can be varied or changed, and the corresponding total revenue obtained from the sale of those cups is dependent on the number of cups sold.



Ah, "n"! The unsung hero of coffee sales. Well, my dear friend, in this equation, "n" represents the number of cups of small coffees sold. It's like the wingman to "t," which represents the total money made. So, while "t" is out there schmoozing with dollar bills, "n" quietly counts the cups and keeps the whole operation running smoothly. Quite the dynamic duo, I must say!

In the equation t = 3.5n, the variable n represents the number of cups of small coffees sold. The role of n in this equation is to determine the value of t, which represents the total money made from the sale of small coffees. By multiplying the price of a small cup of coffee ($3.50) by the number of cups sold, you can calculate the total revenue earned (t). This equation allows you to find the total money made from selling n cups of small coffees.