Which of the following is not a body-verb agreement sign

A. bruse
B. Bee
C. Put on bandage
D. Rash

The answer is D. Rash.

To determine which of the following options is not a body-verb agreement sign, it is important to understand what body-verb agreement refers to. In grammar, subject-verb agreement is the rule that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number (singular or plural).

Let's analyze each option:

A. "bruse": This is not a recognizable English word. It does not appear to be a body part or an action, so it cannot be a body-verb agreement sign.

B. "Bee": This is a noun and does not indicate an action or body part related to a subject, so it cannot be a body-verb agreement sign.

C. "Put on bandage": This is a phrase consisting of an action verb ("put on") and a noun ("bandage"). Although it involves a body part (the placement of a bandage on a specific body part), it does not directly indicate subject-verb agreement.

D. "Rash": This is a noun, specifically an skin condition. Like option B, it does not indicate an action or body part related to a subject, so it cannot be a body-verb agreement sign.

Based on the analysis, the option that is not a body-verb agreement sign is A. "bruse" since it is not a recognizable English word and does not indicate an action or body part.

The correct answer is B. Bee.