Which characteristic is common among vertebrates?(1 point)


supported by an exoskeleton
supported by an exoskeleton

make own food
make own food

breathe with lungs or gills
breathe with lungs or gills

eat with teeth

breathe with lungs or gills is the characteristic that is common among vertebrates.

The characteristic that is common among vertebrates is: breathe with lungs or gills.

The characteristic that is common among vertebrates is that they breathe with lungs or gills. To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the options provided:

1. Supported by an exoskeleton: Vertebrates actually have an endoskeleton, which is an internal skeleton, rather than an exoskeleton. Therefore, this option is not correct.

2. Make own food: This characteristic refers to autotrophs, organisms that can produce their own food through photosynthesis. While there are autotrophic organisms in the animal kingdom, such as some types of algae, it is not a characteristic that is specific to vertebrates. Therefore, this option is not correct.

3. Breathe with lungs or gills: This option is the correct answer. Vertebrates, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, all possess either lungs or gills as respiratory organs. Lungs are mainly used by terrestrial vertebrates for breathing air, while gills are used by aquatic vertebrates for extracting oxygen from water.

4. Eat with teeth: While vertebrates are indeed equipped with teeth, this characteristic is not exclusive to them. Many invertebrates, such as insects, also possess specialized mouthparts for eating. Therefore, this option is not specific to vertebrates.

Therefore, the common characteristic among vertebrates is that they breathe with lungs or gills.