Aside from killing native species, what other negative issue might an invasive species present?


They might introduce other organisms, like viruses and bacteria.


They might avoid interacting with other organisms.


They might increase the diversity of native species.


They might provide economic benefits.

a. They might introduce other organisms, like viruses and bacteria.

The correct answer is a. An invasive species can potentially introduce other organisms like viruses and bacteria into the ecosystem, which can have negative impacts on the native species and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.

The correct answer is a. An invasive species may introduce and spread other organisms, such as viruses and bacteria, which can have negative impacts on native species and ecosystems.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the potential negative impacts of invasive species. Let's break down the options:

a. They might introduce other organisms, like viruses and bacteria.
- This option suggests that invasive species might bring in other organisms, such as viruses and bacteria, which can cause harm to native species and ecosystems. It aligns with the fact that invasive species can disrupt the ecological balance and introduce novel pathogens.

b. They might avoid interacting with other organisms.
- This option suggests that invasive species might not interact with other organisms, which does not necessarily refer to negative impacts. While invasive species can sometimes avoid interacting with native species, it is not a defining characteristic that addresses the potential negative consequences.

c. They might increase the diversity of native species.
- This option suggests that invasive species might increase the diversity of native species. However, invasive species usually outcompete native species and reduce overall biodiversity. Thus, this option does not align with the commonly known impacts caused by invasive species.

d. They might provide economic benefits.
- This option suggests that invasive species might provide economic benefits. While this can be true in some cases where invasive species are used for commercial purposes, it is not generally regarded as a negative impact. Invasive species are more commonly associated with negative ecological and economic consequences.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer to the question is a.