You put 16 gallons of gasoline​ (x) in your car. You know that this amount of gasoline will allow you to drive 512 miles​ (y).

what does y equal

To find out what y equals, we need to determine the miles per gallon (MPG) of the car. We can do this by dividing the total miles driven by the amount of gasoline used:

MPG = y / x

We know that x = 16 gallons and y = 512 miles, so we can substitute these values into the equation:

MPG = 512 miles / 16 gallons

MPG = 32 miles per gallon

Now that we know the MPG of the car, we can use it to find out what y equals for a different amount of gasoline. Let's say we put 20 gallons of gasoline in the car. We can use the MPG to calculate how far we can drive:

y = MPG * x

y = 32 miles per gallon * 20 gallons

y = 640 miles

Therefore, if we put 20 gallons of gasoline in the car, we can drive 640 miles.