A trapezoid has an area of 24 square meters. The lengths of the bases of the trapezoid are 5 meters and 7 meters. What is the height of the trapezoid?

A. 4 meters
B. 144 meters
C. 2 meters
D. 1 meter

The formula for the area of a trapezoid is:

A = (1/2)h(b1 + b2)

where A is the area, h is the height, b1 and b2 are the lengths of the bases.

We are given that the area is 24 square meters, and the lengths of the bases are 5 meters and 7 meters. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

24 = (1/2)h(5 + 7)


24 = (1/2)h(12)

48 = h(12)

h = 4 meters

Therefore, the height of the trapezoid is 4 meters. The answer is A.