Juan and Rita both rode bicycles from the park to Main Street. The graphs below represent the time and distance for each student’s ride. Who rode more slowly? Justify your answer.

To determine who rode more slowly, we need to compare the slopes of the two lines. The slope of a line represents the rate of change, or how quickly the distance is changing with respect to time.

Looking at the graphs, we can see that Juan's line has a steeper slope than Rita's line. This means that Juan was traveling a greater distance in a shorter amount of time compared to Rita. Therefore, Rita rode more slowly than Juan.

We can also calculate the slopes of the lines to confirm our answer. The slope of Juan's line is (20-0)/(1-0) = 20, while the slope of Rita's line is (15-0)/(1.5-0) = 10. This confirms that Juan was traveling at a faster rate than Rita.