Compare the volumes of the figures. Why are their volumes different?

A cylinder has a base diameter measuring 5.5 centimeters and a height measuring 5.5 centimeters. A cube has a length, width, and height all measuring 5.5 centimeters.

The volume of the cylinder is approximately 96.7 cm3, while the volume of the cube is approximately 166.4 cm3. The volumes are different because the cylinder has a curved surface, while the cube has a flat surface. The curved surface of the cylinder reduces the overall volume of the figure compared to the cube.


Volume of cylinder = π (2.75)^2 (5.5) cm^3
= 130.67 cm^3

the cube has a volume of 5.5^3 = 166.34 cm^3

The bot said: "The volumes are different because the cylinder has a curved surface, while the cube has a flat surface. The curved surface of the cylinder reduces the overall volume of the figure compared to the cube."

That is one of the most absurd mathematical statements I have ever heard!