1. Which sentence contains an example of verbal irony?

1 point
The athlete viewed the full stadium. "We have a full house!" he exclaimed.
"I'm not sure there's enough room for us both," Ethan remarked as his friend joined him at the empty table.
My dog bowled me over with excitement as I walked in the door.
"We've got quite the busy day planned," she said as she viewed the full schedule.

2. Which sentence contains a pun?
1 point
What do you like to do for fun?
The sun burned my eyes like a laser.
People who take care of chickens are literally chicken tenders.
I stepped outside in the rain and got soaked.

3. Use the sentence to answer the question.

"This is exactly what I wanted today," grumbled the man as he was pulled over for speeding.

What figure of speech is used?
1 point
situational irony
verbal irony

4. Use the pun to answer the question.

I ran into a lamppost yesterday. Fortunately, I only sustained light injuries.

Which word is being utilized for its multiple meanings in the pun?
1 point

5. Which word could be used in the blank to give this sentence the most negative connotation?

Upon learning her volleyball game was cancelled, the girl was ____________________
1 point

6. Which pair of words shows an analogy of antonyms?
1 point
generous : greedy
joyous : happy
disappointed : discouraged
easy : simple

7. Which word is a synonym for elevated?
1 point

8. Use the paragraph to answer the question.

My neighbor has a pleasant dog. He barks constantly at every little noise he hears.

Which word is an antonym for the underlined word in the paragraph.
1 point

helppppp pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

1. B

2. C
3. I got this one wrong
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. B

1. B- “im not sure theres enough room for both of us,” ethan remarked as his friend join him at an empty table

2. C- people who take care of chickens are literally chicken tenders
3. D- verbal irony
4. B- light
5. B- frustrated
6. A- generous : greedy
7. D- raised
8. B- annoying

i think its the

im not sure there’s enough room
the athlete one is kinda throwing me off tho

Mrs johnson or Mrs. Bowles/Ms. Laurie?

I'm sorry, I don't understand the context of your question. Could you please provide more information or clarify what you mean?

1. To identify which sentence contains an example of verbal irony, we need to understand what verbal irony is. Verbal irony is a figure of speech where the speaker says the opposite of what they really mean. In this case, we need to find a sentence where the speaker's words convey the opposite or a different meaning from the literal interpretation.

The sentence that contains an example of verbal irony is: "The athlete viewed the full stadium. 'We have a full house!' he exclaimed." In this sentence, the athlete says "We have a full house!" to describe the full stadium, but since it's a stadium, it implies that it is not a house, which creates a verbal irony.

2. A pun is a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a word or words that sound similar but have different meanings. To identify the sentence that contains a pun, we need to find a sentence where a word or words have multiple meanings or sound similar to other words with a different meaning.

The sentence that contains a pun is: "People who take care of chickens are literally chicken tenders." In this sentence, the word "chicken tenders" is a play on words. It can mean people who take care of chickens or the food "chicken tenders" made from chicken. This creates a pun.

3. In the given sentence, "This is exactly what I wanted today," grumbled the man as he was pulled over for speeding, the figure of speech used is verbal irony. Verbal irony occurs when the speaker says something that is different from what they actually mean. In this case, the man grumbled and said, "This is exactly what I wanted today," but being pulled over for speeding is not what he actually wanted, which creates verbal irony.

4. In the sentence, "I ran into a lamppost yesterday. Fortunately, I only sustained light injuries," the word being utilized for its multiple meanings in the pun is "light." The word "light" can refer to the type of injuries the person sustained (not serious injuries) and also to the source of illumination (a lamppost).

5. To give the sentence the most negative connotation, we need to choose a word that signifies a negative emotional state. In this case, the word that gives the sentence the most negative connotation is "frustrated." Being frustrated conveys a sense of annoyance and disappointment, which makes it the most negative choice in the given options.

6. An analogy of antonyms involves comparing pairs of words that have opposite meanings.

The pair of words that shows an analogy of antonyms is "generous: greedy." In this pair, "generous" and "greedy" are opposites, as being generous means giving freely, while being greedy means having a strong desire for wealth or possessions without sharing.

7. A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word. To identify the synonym for "elevated," we need to find a word that has a similar meaning.

The word that is a synonym for "elevated" is "raised." Both "elevated" and "raised" mean to increase or lift something to a higher position or level.

8. In the given paragraph, the word "pleasant" is underlined. To find the antonym for "pleasant," we need to identify a word that has the opposite meaning.

The antonym for "pleasant" in this paragraph is "annoying." While "pleasant" indicates something enjoyable or agreeable, "annoying" conveys the opposite, suggesting something bothersome or irritating.