1. When examining a Punnett Square, how are dominant alleles represented?

lower case letters
upper case letters
It depends on the Punnett Square.

Generally, dominant alleles are represented by upper case letters, while recessive alleles are represented by lower case letters.

Dominant alleles in a Punnett square are typically represented by uppercase letters.

When examining a Punnett Square, dominant alleles are typically represented using uppercase letters. In a Punnett Square, the capital letter represents the dominant allele, while the lowercase letter represents the recessive allele. For example, if you are studying the inheritance of eye color in humans, where brown eyes (dominant) are represented by the letter B and blue eyes (recessive) are represented by the letter b, the uppercase letter B would indicate the presence of the dominant brown eye allele.

However, it's important to note that the representation of dominant alleles in a Punnett Square can vary depending on the specific trait being studied. Some Punnett Squares may use different symbols or notation systems, so it's always good practice to check the key or legend provided with the Punnett Square to identify how alleles are represented.

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