Language and style unit test which sentence contains an allusion?

A. The sky was as dark as night.

B. She was a modern-day Cinderella.
C. He was a real-life superhero.
D. The clouds were like cotton candy.

B. She was a modern-day Cinderella.

To identify which sentence contains an allusion, we need to understand what an allusion is. An allusion is a figure of speech that references a well-known person, place, event, or piece of literature. It is a literary device that allows writers to convey meaning indirectly by associating their work with something familiar.

To find an allusion in a sentence, you need to consider if there is a reference to something outside of the sentence that the reader is expected to recognize.

Let's analyze a few example sentences to identify if they contain an allusion:

1. "As he entered the courtroom, all eyes were on him, like he was the Pied Piper himself."

Explanation: This sentence contains an allusion to the Pied Piper. The mention of the Pied Piper references a character from the famous folktale who lured away children with his magical pipe. The sentence is comparing the attention the person entering the courtroom receives to the Pied Piper's ability to captivate people.

2. "Her smile was as bright as the sun, bringing warmth to everyone around her."

Explanation: This sentence does not contain an allusion. It is using a simile, comparing the brightness of her smile to the brightness of the sun. However, it does not reference anything outside of the sentence that the reader is expected to recognize.

3. "His betrayal was a real Romeo and Juliet moment."

Explanation: This sentence contains an allusion to Romeo and Juliet, the famous tragedy written by William Shakespeare. By using this reference, the sentence suggests that the betrayal being discussed is similar to the enduring and tragic nature of the love story between Romeo and Juliet.

Based on the analysis, the sentence that contains an allusion is: "As he entered the courtroom, all eyes were on him, like he was the Pied Piper himself."

To determine which sentence contains an allusion, we'll need to analyze the sentences provided and look for any references to well-known people, events, or literary works. Please provide the sentences for analysis, and I'll help you identify the one that contains an allusion.