The temperature is −56°F. How many degrees below zero is the temperature? (6.NS.5)

1 point

no, -56 is 56 below zero, not -56 below.

To determine how many degrees below zero the temperature is, we need to calculate the difference between the temperature and zero.

The given temperature is -56°F. Zero degrees is at 0°F.

To find the difference, we subtract zero from the given temperature:

-56°F - 0°F = -56°F.

Therefore, the temperature is 56°F below zero.

The answer is 56°F.

To determine how many degrees below zero the temperature is, we need to subtract zero from the given temperature. In this case, the given temperature is -56°F.

To find how many degrees below zero this is, we subtract 0°F from -56°F: -56°F - 0°F = -56°F.

Therefore, the temperature is already -56°F below zero.

So, the answer is -56°F.
