f a pole 9 feet tall casts a shadow of 3 feet, how long of a shadow would a 6 foot man cast?

3. If a pole 9 feet tall casts a shadow of 3 feet, how long of a shadow would a 6 foot man cast?

A. 1 ft

B. 1.5 ft

C. 2 ft

D. 2.5 ft

Show your work

B. 1.5 ft

Explanation: The ratio of the pole's height to its shadow is 9:3. To find the ratio of the man's height to his shadow, we can divide 6 by 9 and then multiply the result by 3. 6/9 = 0.667, and 0.667 x 3 = 2. Therefore, the man's shadow would be 1.5 feet.

We can use a proportion to solve this problem.

Let x be the length of the shadow cast by the 6 foot man. We can set up the proportion:

9 feet / 3 feet = 6 feet / x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

9 feet * x = 3 feet * 6 feet

x = (3 feet * 6 feet) / 9 feet

x = 2 feet

Therefore, the length of the shadow cast by the 6 foot man would be 2 feet. The correct answer is C: 2 ft.