Which description defines a sequence of events the person writing down what happens the order of in which things happen the place and time in which things happen the people making things happen

A sequence of events is a chronological listing of occurrences that happened in a particular order, including the people, places, and times involved.

sequence is an order of events put into words such as first second then finally lastly.

The description that defines a sequence of events, the person writing down what happens, the order in which things happen, the place and time in which things happen, and the people making things happen is called a narrative.

The description that defines a sequence of events, the person writing down what happens, the order of in which things happen, the place and time in which things happen, and the people making things happen, is known as a narrative. A narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events, typically presented in chronological order, that describes a series of actions or experiences. It includes the role of a narrator who organizes and communicates the events in a coherent manner.

To create a narrative, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the events: Determine the events you want to include in your narrative. These can be personal experiences, historical occurrences, fictional scenarios, or any sequence of related actions.

2. Establish the order: Determine the chronological order of the events. Start with the initial event and progress through the story, ensuring that each event logically connects to the next one.

3. Include details: Describe the people involved, the locations where events take place, and the time at which each event occurs. This adds depth to your narrative and helps readers or listeners visualize the story.

4. Maintain coherence: Ensure that your narrative flows smoothly and coherently. Pay attention to transitional phrases, logical connections between events, and the overall structure.

5. Incorporate the narrator: Decide whether you will write the narrative from a first-person perspective (as someone directly involved) or a third-person perspective (as an observer). The narrator sets the tone and style of storytelling.

Writing a narrative allows you to convey a sequence of events, provide context, and engage readers or listeners by presenting a cohesive story.