Which of the following weaknesses of the American economic system in the 1920s is BEST reflected in Purinton’s ideas?

Wealth was distributed unequally.

There was high stock market speculation.

Most Americans lived below the poverty line.

Many held that businesses could be trusted to self-regulate.

A. Wealth was distributed unequally.

In order to determine which weakness of the American economic system in the 1920s is best reflected in Purinton's ideas, let's examine each option.

A. Wealth was distributed unequally: This weakness refers to a significant disparity in wealth distribution among individuals. While Purinton's ideas may indirectly address this issue by proposing a system that benefits workers, it does not directly reflect this specific weakness.

B. There was high stock market speculation: This weakness refers to the excessive buying and selling of stocks with the intention of making quick profits, which can lead to an unstable stock market. Purinton's ideas do not directly address this weakness.

C. Most Americans lived below the poverty line: This weakness suggests that a large portion of the American population was living in poverty. Although Purinton's ideas may aim to alleviate poverty, they do not explicitly reflect this particular weakness.

D. Many held that businesses could be trusted to self-regulate: This weakness refers to the belief that businesses would naturally act in the best interest of the public without requiring strict government regulations. Purinton's ideas align with this weakness as they propose the implementation of a system that allows workers to have more control and influence over their workplace, which implies a lack of trust in businesses to self-regulate.

Therefore, the weakness of the American economic system in the 1920s that is BEST reflected in Purinton's ideas is option D: Many held that businesses could be trusted to self-regulate.