Science 6 B -Specialized Cells

Specialized Cells Quick Check

1. carry and transmit signals
2. They are small because they lack a nucleus.
3. They help the neuron receive messages from the axon of another neuron.
4. A neuron may signal when and where oxygen is needed.
5. Neurons contain DNA, but red blood cells do not.

ewww u want to be a boy like why would u wanna be a boy if ur a girl oh its all this not gender specific crap going on and the oh theres 3 genders like seriously!

ur name is i wish i was a boy im sorry its just uhhhhhhgggg i hate this stuff now! and im reallly frustrated cause pearsons not letting me pass the stupid quiz!

I'm so sorry, your life is so messed up by people wanting to be able to go outside and not be fearful for their life. I'm sorry that you never had to experience gender-dysphoria and thinking that un*l*v*n*ng is the only way out.

But not doing "it" because you're afraid of going to h***.
Take some grammar classes, and i'm sorry that you're not smart enough to do this by yourself. I don't care if you pass, frankly. so next time you wanna be mean use that brain of yours and think before your speak.

To answer the questions in the Specialized Cells Quick Check:

1. Carry and transmit signals:
Specialized cells that carry and transmit signals are called neurons. Neurons are the basic building blocks of the nervous system and are responsible for transmitting information throughout the body.

2. Lack of nucleus in small cells:
The statement is true. Neurons are small cells that lack a nucleus. This characteristic allows them to have a more elongated shape and facilitate the transmission of electrical signals over long distances.

3. Help neurons receive messages:
The cells that help neurons receive messages from the axon of another neuron are called dendrites. Dendrites are extensions of the neuron that receive signals and carry them toward the cell body.

4. Neuron signaling for oxygen needs:
This statement is true. Neurons can signal when and where oxygen is needed. In situations where there is an increased demand for oxygen, such as during physical exercise, neurons can send signals to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body to provide more oxygen.

5. Presence of DNA in neurons and red blood cells:
The statement is partially true. Neurons do contain DNA, which carries the genetic information necessary for their functioning. However, red blood cells do not contain a nucleus or DNA. They lose their nucleus during development, allowing them to carry oxygen more efficiently.

To find these answers, it is important to have a good understanding of specialized cells and their functions. Additionally, referring to scientific resources such as textbooks, educational websites, or class notes can provide more in-depth information on these topics.

Now, I have school work to do.

I don't need to be wasting my time arguing with small minded people like you.

Um, What?