Which is an example of a polymer?(1 point)


carbon monoxide

sodium chloride



An example of a polymer is cellulose. To determine this, you need to understand the nature of polymers. Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating subunits called monomers. Therefore, you can identify a polymer by looking for a substance that consists of a chain or network of repeating monomers.

In this list of options, carbon monoxide and sodium chloride do not fit the definition of a polymer. Carbon monoxide is a small molecule made up of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom, while sodium chloride is a compound composed of sodium and chlorine ions.

On the other hand, cellulose is a polysaccharide, which is a type of polymer made up of glucose monomers. It forms the main component of the cell walls of plants and is the most abundant organic molecule on Earth. Therefore, cellulose is the correct example of a polymer in this list. Diamond, although it is made up of carbon atoms, also does not fit the definition of a polymer since it does not consist of repeating monomers.