In New York City, the temperature was -4°F in the morning. If the temperature has dropped 8°F, what is the temperature now?


: -12°F

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(−14)(−11) =

A 144144
B −144−144
C −154−154
D 154

The answer is D) 154.

To multiply two negative numbers, you simply multiply them as you normally would and the result will be positive.

So (−14)(−11) = 154.

A company's financial statement shows a loss of 228 million dollars for the last six months. Express the average loss for each month as an integer.

A −38 million dollars−38 million dollars
B 37 million dollars37 million dollars
C −33 million dollars−33 million dollars
D 42 million dollars

To find the average loss for each month, you need to divide the total loss by the number of months. As there are 6 months in the statement, you will divide the loss by 6.

Therefore, (228 million dollars) ÷ (6 months) = -38 million dollars.

So the answer is A) -38 million dollars.

48 – (−12) =

A 3636
B -60-60
C -36-36
D 6060