Jamaal earns $8.42 per hour. If he gets a 3% raise, how much will he earn per hour?

A $8.68
B $2.52
C $10.94
D $10.95
E $8.67

E $8.67

To determine how much Jamaal will earn per hour after a 3% raise, you need to calculate the amount of the raise and then add it to his current hourly wage.

Step 1: Calculate the raise amount:
To find the raise amount, multiply Jamaal's current hourly wage ($8.42) by the percentage raise (3% or 0.03):
$8.42 x 0.03 = $0.2526

Step 2: Add the raise amount to his current hourly wage:
$8.42 + $0.2526 = $8.6726

Step 3: Round the result to the nearest cent:
Since monetary values are often rounded to the nearest cent, we can round the result from step 2:
$8.6726 ≈ $8.67

Therefore, the correct answer is:

E) $8.67

To find out how much Jamaal will earn per hour after a 3% raise, you need to calculate the raise amount and add it to his current hourly wage.

First, calculate the raise amount:
Raise amount = 3% of $8.42
Raise amount = 0.03 * $8.42
Raise amount = $0.2526

Next, add the raise amount to Jamaal's current wage:
New hourly wage = $8.42 + $0.2526
New hourly wage ≈ $8.67

Therefore, Jamaal will earn approximately $8.67 per hour after a 3% raise.

The correct answer is E) $8.67.