Charles sends Julia text messages every morning insulting her appearance and threatening to hurt her. He writes unflattering descriptions of her on blogs and on his own personal website.

• identity theft
• cyberstalking
• online arguing
• cyberbullying

WHat is 2+2

answer choices (4) (3) or two?

the robot:Spaghetti sandwich

The behaviors described in your question are considered examples of cyberstalking and cyberbullying. Here's a breakdown of each term:

1. Identity theft: This term refers to the unauthorized use of someone's personal information or identity for fraudulent purposes. It typically involves activities such as using someone's credit card information, social security number, or other personal details without their consent.

2. Cyberstalking: This term refers to the persistent and unwanted online harassment, threats, or intimidation towards an individual. In this case, Charles sending threatening messages to Julia every morning would be considered a form of cyberstalking.

3. Online arguing: This refers to engaging in heated debates or arguments on the internet. While it may involve strong opinions and differing viewpoints, it does not necessarily involve personal attacks or threats, unlike the situation described in your question.

4. Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a term used to describe the act of intentionally harming, harassing, or intimidating someone using electronic forms of communication or technology. Charles insulting Julia's appearance, threatening her, and posting unflattering descriptions of her on blogs and his own website would be considered cyberbullying.

It is important to note that cyberstalking and cyberbullying are serious offenses and can have severe emotional, psychological, and even physical consequences. If you or someone you know is experiencing this type of behavior, it is recommended to reach out to local authorities or a trusted adult for help and support.

From the given scenario, it seems that two relevant terms apply: cyberstalking and cyberbullying.

1. Cyberstalking: Cyberstalking refers to the act of using the internet or other electronic means to repeatedly harass or threaten someone, causing them fear or distress. In this case, Charles is targeting Julia by sending her insulting text messages and writing unflattering descriptions about her on blogs and websites. These actions can be classified as cyberstalking due to the repetitive nature and the intention to cause fear or distress.

2. Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying involves using digital communication tools, such as text messages, social media, or websites, to deliberately humiliate, intimidate, or harm someone. In the given scenario, Charles is engaging in cyberbullying by constantly insulting and threatening Julia through text messages, as well as publishing unflattering descriptions about her online.

It's important to note that identity theft and online arguing mentioned in the question are not directly applicable to the described situation:

- Identity theft generally refers to the unauthorized use of someone's personal information to commit fraud or other illegal activities. While identity theft can be a serious offense, it does not directly align with Charles' actions of insulting and threatening Julia.
- Online arguing refers to engaging in heated, often aggressive debates or discussions on the internet. However, the given scenario does not mention any form of arguing between Charles and Julia, as it primarily focuses on Charles' targeted harassment towards Julia.

To address cyberstalking and cyberbullying, it is recommended to report these incidents to the appropriate authorities, such as the local law enforcement or an internet crime reporting center.

• defamation