A survey at your school found that 635 in 984 students have a cell phone. What percent of the students in school has a cell phone? Round to the nearest hundredth where necessary.

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

64.17% = 631/984 or 631/989.5

635/984 = 0.64532 = 64.53%

To find the percentage of students with a cell phone, divide the number of students with a cell phone by the total number of students and multiply by 100.

Percentage of students with a cell phone = (Number of students with a cell phone / Total number of students) * 100

= (635 / 984) * 100

= 0.645 * 100

= 64.5%

Therefore, approximately 64.5% of the students in school have a cell phone.

To find the percentage of students in school who have a cell phone, you need to divide the number of students with a cell phone by the total number of students and then multiply by 100.

The total number of students in the school is given as 984, and the number of students with a cell phone is given as 635.

To calculate the percentage, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Number of students with a cell phone / Total number of students) * 100

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Percentage = (635 / 984) * 100

Calculating this expression:

Percentage ≈ 0.645 * 100

Rounding the result to the nearest hundredth:

Percentage ≈ 64.52%

Therefore, approximately 64.52% of the students in the school have a cell phone.
