How does agricultural biotechnology benefit society?

A. Healing prayers, living organisms or parts of organisms by producing desired traits.
B. It reduces waste in prevents pollution.
C. And improved health by using cells and using cell materials to cure diseases.
D. It makes production process is more effective than less harmful to people in the environment.

D. It makes production process is more effective than less harmful to people in the environment.

D. Agricultural biotechnology benefits society by making the production process more efficient and less harmful to both people and the environment. This is achieved through the use of genetic engineering techniques, such as modifying crops to be resistant to pests or diseases, increasing yield and productivity, and reducing the need for chemical inputs like pesticides and fertilizers. By improving agricultural practices, biotechnology helps to conserve resources, minimize waste, and prevent pollution. Additionally, it can contribute to improved food quality and safety, as well as the development of crops with enhanced nutritional value.

D. It makes the production process more efficient and less harmful to people and the environment.

Agricultural biotechnology refers to the use of scientific techniques, including genetic engineering, to improve and modify living organisms used in agriculture. It offers several benefits to society, including:

1. Increased crop productivity: Biotechnology can enhance crop yield by introducing genetically modified traits that help plants withstand diseases, pests, and environmental stresses. This leads to higher agricultural productivity, ensuring a sufficient food supply for the growing global population.

2. Improved nutritional content: Biotechnology allows for the development of crops with enhanced nutritional profiles. For example, genetically modified crops can be fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, addressing nutrient deficiencies in populations.

3. Reduced pesticide use: Through genetic engineering, crops can be made resistant to certain pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. This not only benefits the environment by minimizing the use of harmful chemicals but also lowers the health risks associated with pesticide exposure for farmers and consumers.

4. Enhanced crop quality: Biotechnology offers the potential to improve the quality of agricultural products. For example, genetically modified crops can have improved taste, texture, or shelf life, leading to better consumer satisfaction and reduced food waste.

5. Environmental sustainability: By reducing pesticide use and improving crop resilience, agricultural biotechnology can contribute to a more sustainable agricultural system. This helps preserve biodiversity, conserve water resources, and minimize soil erosion.

Overall, agricultural biotechnology plays a crucial role in addressing global food security challenges, improving human health, and promoting environmentally sustainable farming practices.