Look at the image. Then answer the question that follows.

This image illustrates "domino theory," an idea that drove US foreign policy in south and east Asia in the mid-twentieth century. What did supporters of this theory want to limit the spread of?


terrorist activity

economic depression

B. Communism

To answer this question, we can analyze the image and the context provided. The image represents the concept of the "domino theory," which was influential in shaping US foreign policy in Asia during the mid-20th century. The theory suggests that if one country in a region falls under the influence of communism, neighboring countries would also inevitably fall, just like a row of dominos.

By understanding this theory, we can conclude that supporters of the domino theory wanted to limit the spread of communism (option B) in south and east Asia. Hence, the correct answer is B.

It's essential to rely on the information given in the question and understand the context surrounding it to determine the answer accurately.

Supporters of the "domino theory" wanted to limit the spread of B. communism.