“Immigrants who arrive in American cities are poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time.”

Who most likely would have said this? (1 point)
political boss
factory owner
labor union member
religious leader

Well, it's hard to say for sure, but I'd venture a guess and say that a political boss might have made this statement. They often have a strong influence over immigrant communities and could use their power to sway their votes. Then again, a factory owner might also have a vested interest in immigrant labor, so they could express similar sentiments. As for a labor union member or a religious leader, their focus might be more on advocating for the rights and well-being of immigrants rather than expecting gratitude at the voting booth. But hey, this is just conjecture!

To identify who most likely would have said this statement, let's analyze the context and the perspectives of the different options provided.

1. Political boss: Political bosses were influential figures in American cities during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They wielded significant power and often controlled aspects of the city's politics, economy, and immigration. Due to their powerful positions, political bosses might have made this statement to appeal to immigrant voters and secure their political support.

2. Factory owner: Factory owners, who employed many immigrants during this time period, had a vested interest in maintaining a stable workforce. It is possible that some factory owners might have expressed such sentiments to encourage gratitude from the immigrants they employed, which may have influenced their voting behavior.

3. Labor union member: Labor unions, particularly those representing American-born workers, often had concerns about the impact of immigration on job availability and wages. While some labor union members may have been sympathetic to immigrants' struggles, others might have made statements like this to emphasize the importance of immigrants voting in favor of policies that protected American workers' interests.

4. Religious leader: Religious leaders have played significant roles in supporting immigrant communities, advocating for their needs, and providing resources for integration. However, it is less likely that a religious leader would have explicitly tied voting to immigrants' gratitude. Instead, they might focus on fostering a sense of community, social justice, and support for immigrants irrespective of their political behavior.

Considering the perspectives and motivations discussed, the statement "Immigrants who arrive in American cities are poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time" most closely aligns with the perspective of a political boss who seeks political support or favors from immigrants to maintain their influence in the city's politics. Therefore, the political boss is the individual most likely to have said this statement.

Based on the statement provided, it is most likely that a political boss would have said this. Political bosses were known to have significant control and influence over immigrant communities, often providing assistance in finding jobs and housing. In return, they expected support from the immigrants during elections, reflecting the idea of showing gratitude at voting time.