What do you suppose O’Sullivan means by “the Anglo-Saxon foot”?

To understand what O'Sullivan means by "the Anglo-Saxon foot," we can use the following approach:

1. Start by researching who O'Sullivan is. O'Sullivan refers to John L. O'Sullivan, an American journalist, and advocate for the manifest destiny doctrine in the 19th century.

2. Next, look for the context in which O'Sullivan uses the term "the Anglo-Saxon foot." This phrase appears in O'Sullivan's essay titled "The Great Nation of Futurity," published in 1839.

3. Read the entire essay to gain a comprehensive understanding of O'Sullivan's arguments and the themes he discusses. Pay attention to the surrounding passages or paragraphs where "the Anglo-Saxon foot" is mentioned.

4. Analyze the essay and identify any clues or specific statements made by O'Sullivan that might shed light on the meaning of "the Anglo-Saxon foot." Consider the historical, social, and cultural context in which the essay was written.

5. Consult scholarly sources or any reliable historical analysis that may provide insights into this phrase and its potential meaning. Academic essays, books, or articles on American history, manifest destiny, or O'Sullivan's works might prove useful.

6. Compare the phrase "the Anglo-Saxon foot" with related historical events or notions of that time, such as Anglo-Saxon heritage, colonialism, white supremacy, or racial superiority. This analysis should help provide a broader understanding of O'Sullivan's intended meaning.

By following these steps, you can gather the necessary information and context to form an interpretation of what O'Sullivan means by "the Anglo-Saxon foot." Remember to rely on credible sources and historical analysis to ensure accuracy in your understanding.