Each point is included in a different variation. Which variation is the constant of variation 3/5

a -3,-5
b -3,5
c -2,-3
d 15,9

plz explain. thanks

To find the constant of variation, we can use the formula:

k = y/x,

where k is the constant of variation, y is the dependent variable, and x is the independent variable.

Let's calculate the constant of variation for each of the options:

a) For the point (-3, -5):
k = y/x = -5/-3 = 5/3.

b) For the point (-3, 5):
k = y/x = 5/-3 = -5/3.

c) For the point (-2, -3):
k = y/x = -3/-2 = 3/2.

d) For the point (15, 9):
k = y/x = 9/15 = 3/5.

By comparing the results, we can see that the value of k for option (d) is 3/5, which means that the constant of variation for that option is indeed 3/5.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (d) - 15, 9.