Two supplementary angles are ∠ABC=135° and ∠CBD=9x°. What is the equation to solve for x?

A: 9x−135=180

B: 9x+135=90

C: 9x+135=180

D: 9x=180


Answer: C: 9x+135=180

To solve for x, we need to use the fact that supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees.

We are given that ∠ABC is 135 degrees and ∠CBD is 9x degrees. Since ∠ABC and ∠CBD are supplementary, their measures add up to 180 degrees.

So we can set up the equation as follows:

∠ABC + ∠CBD = 180

135 + 9x = 180

To isolate the term with x, we can subtract 135 from both sides:

135 + 9x - 135 = 180 - 135

9x = 45

Now we can divide both sides by 9 to solve for x:

9x/9 = 45/9

x = 5

Therefore, the correct equation to solve for x is:

9x + 135 = 180

So the answer is option C: 9x + 135 = 180.

The sum of two supplementary angles is 180 degrees. To find the equation to solve for x, we can set up the following equation:

∠ABC + ∠CBD = 180

Substituting the given angles:

135 + 9x = 180

Now, we can solve for x:

135 + 9x - 135 = 180 - 135
9x = 45

Dividing both sides by 9:

x = 5

So, the equation to solve for x is 9x + 135 = 180. Therefore, the correct option is C: 9x + 135 = 180.